Monday, November 20, 2017


Human Trafficking is a crime against humanity.

Human Trafficking is comparable to modern slavery. According to my research, the report said that 21 million people are victims of forced labor and approximately 75 to 80 percent of human trafficking and slavery is for sex. The rest are forced into labor exploitation, such as agriculture and construction for work. Human trafficking can be separated into sex trafficking and labor trafficking. 

Victims are picked if they are vulnerable to the human trafficking industry. Victims are tends to be poor people, fleeing from home because of hardships in life and conflict in the family. These negative elements increases individuals' emotional vulnerability thus they are prone to human trafficking. Women and children are usually the victims of human trafficking because they are in demand for human trafficking and usually they are sent for sex trafficking. Victims are usually promised a safe work place and a steady salary and later they only know that they are victim of human trafficking. According to my research the profit gained from human trafficking is very high and is the fastest-growing and second-largest crime in the world.

As a student I can help contribute in eradicating human trafficking by actively joining activities and seminars about human trafficking. The IACAT or Inter Agency Counsil Against Trafficking they are holding a contest in songwriting and music video making and the them is "Human Trafficking". We can showcase our talent and at the same time help people to enlighten about human trafficking using our talent. We have an entry in this contest and you can see the full video here.